Going Straight to the Top

Straight to the TopQ: How do you get to CBS Studios?
A: Start your own YouTube channel.

That was the advice from CBS staff to students in the service-learning program at August Martin High School, who recently toured the studios.

“They suggested that students interested in a career in broadcasting create commentaries on the news, and make PSAs,” says program director Brian Davis.

Although August Martin High School has a communications program, none of the students in the service-learning program participates, so part of the purpose of the studio tour was to spark interest. It is also part of a wider effort at The Child Center’s youth programs to introduce students to possible careers.

Other advice from CBS staff: Students should look for internship opportunities in the fields that interested them.  Nakiema Perry, 16, who loves to write, said she had originally thought about being a novelist. “But now,” she says, “I am considering a career in production or directing.”

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