Spotlight: Richard Jay

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Dick Jay, President, The Child Center of NY

Because I had two great business experiences in New York, I decided I wanted to give something back to our community. When my wife asked, “What do you want to do?” I had no hesitation. I told her I wanted to help kids. The very next week I got a call out of the blue from then president Hank Auffarth asking me to get involved with The Child Center. It felt like a sign.

First I got involved by organizing and sponsoring a children’s holiday party with my business associates. Then I got involved financially through personal contributions, and then by sharing my business experience. For example, I encouraged The Child Center’s staff to use a strategic planning process that improved cash flow and management—we use it to this day. Then, I turned to the sales and marketing area, finding ways we could raise more revenue by better communicating our mission.

In 2008, I was asked to be president. Since then, I’ve worked on attracting more talent to the agency, both on the fundraising staff and also on the board. We’ve organized effective board committees and encouraged more active involvement from board members.

My goal for The Child Center is to develop a long-term sustainable business model that will help even more at risk kids succeed in life.

It’s a terrific feeling to give of yourself to help someone else. And if people want to do something good in the world, what better way than doing it in their own back yard? I feel that The Child Center is a great opportunity to give because it is big enough that we have a real impact on thousands of children’s lives each year. But it is small enough that an individual who gets involved by offering time, money or both can really make a difference.

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