Tag Archives: domestic violence

The Real People Affected by the Ohio State Domestic Violence Scandal

By Yolanda Vega, LMSW
Associate Director, Elmhurst Family Center

At The Child Center of NY, our primary concern is always for the whole family — and how it affects the children’s overall well-being.

So when I hear about high-profile cases of domestic violence, my first thought is always how the situation affects the children: those directly involved (e.g., the abuser’s children) as well as those with no direct involvement but whose sense of the world is being formed by what they hear of it — especially from the people they love and trust.

It seems this was the last thing on the minds of anyone involved in the case of Ohio State University head football coach Urban Meyer Continue reading

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: How to Recognize Trauma and How to Help

Domestic violence is one of the most traumatizing events a child can experience, and each year 3.3 million children witness domestic violence assaults. They are domestic violence’s hidden victims. Unable to turn to their parents for help, these children often struggle in silence, alone with their fear and trauma.

Domestic Violence Awareness MonthBut if we are alert to the signs of this trauma in children, we can help ensure their safety and help them recover. The Child Center responded to over 1000 domestic violence cases last year in which children’s safety was threatened. When children live in a domestic violence situation, they are at high risk for both emotional and physical harm, including injury from thrown objects or when a child intervenes to protect the abused parent. Adequate safety planning can keep children safe.

To help identify children who might be suffering from trauma, here are some common behaviors and ways to help.

Newborns and toddlers: Even newborns and toddlers can feel the stress in their environment and have sleep and eating disturbances. Children under five can be fearful or uncertain as they respond to their environment, and they may throw tantrums or mimic the abuser’s behaviors. Nervous habits can also begin around this time, such as thumb sucking or rocking.

How to help: Parents and caregivers can help by helping the child to name his feelings, give all of the empathy and reassurance they can, and keep the children close to their family support system. It’s also important to give children choices so they know that they still have a measure of control over their own lives. Continue reading

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