Tag Archives: Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative

Mental Health in NYC: A look back at ThriveNYC and ahead to the Office of Community Health

Michele Neuhaus with Chrirlane McCray at Gracie Mansion

By Michele Neuhaus, LCAT, LMHC, CCLS
Program Director, 0-5 Early Childhood Mental Health Services

a client of the early childhood mental health initiative, ThriveNYC, now Office of Community Mental Health

Strengthening the parent-child bond is core part of the 0-5 ECMH initiative.

Last month, my colleague Yudelka Ramirez, a family peer advocate with The Child Center of NY’s 0-5 Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative, and I attended a Mental Health Allies Reception, hosted by Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlaine McCray at Gracie Mansion. Continue reading

Seven Tips for Adjusting Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children to In-Person School and Child Care

Two girls at in-person school at Head Start in Corona

By Michele Neuhaus, LCAT, LMHC, CCLS
Program Director, 0-5 Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative

Two girls at in-person school at Head Start in CoronaAs New York City families prepare for the return to in-person school on September 13, there’s one group of children who may need special care: the 0-5 set, babies and preschoolers who may never have been to in-person school or child care, and who haven’t experienced or don’t remember pre-COVID life. How do we help these children adjust? What mental health pitfalls and opportunities should parents look out for? Continue reading

Staff Spotlight: Julia Floyd-Ventura

Julia Floyd-Ventura manages the Substance Abuse programs at our Stuart and South Jamaica Clinics.

“Life in full circle” is how Julia Floyd-Ventura would describe her journey through addiction to her position as The Child Center of NY’s Senior Program Director in our Behavioral Health division, responsible for managing the Substance Abuse programs at our Stuart and South Jamaica Clinics.

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Staff Spotlight: Yudelka Ramirez

Yudelka Ramirez, Family Peer Advocate

Yudelka Ramirez, family peer advocateYudelka Ramirez began her career with The Child Center of NY in January 2016 as a teacher’s assistant at our Escalera Head Start in Manhattan. She earned her FPA (Family Peer Advocate) Certificate a year later and began her current role as an FPA with The Child Center’s Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative (ECMH)

 Let’s begin with your interesting title! What exactly is a “family peer advocate”? Continue reading

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