Tag Archives: foster care

National Foster Care Month Spotlight: Karriem

Karriem, a client of our Prevention and Family Support Flushing program, reads to his children during National Foster Care Month.

Karriem, a client of our Prevention and Family Support Flushing program, reads to his children during National Foster Care Month.May is National Foster Care Month, an observance that has special meaning at The Child Center of NY. The Child Center operates four Prevention and Family Support programs for families with children at risk of abuse, neglect, or foster care placement, or who simply need help with parenting challenges. The hardworking employees in these programs work tirelessly and holistically to give parents and other caregivers the tools, support, and confidence to raise their children in a safe and nurturing environment—now and in the future.

One of these parents, whose case was successfully closed last month due to achievement of goals, is Karriem. Continue reading

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