Tag Archives: college preparation

Meet Our First Vivian E. Cook Scholarship Honoree!

Q&A with Latoya Mann, graduate of August Martin High School

Scholarship recipient Latoya Mann with Assemblywoman Vivian Cook

At The Child Center of NY, one of our firmest beliefs is that intelligence and drive are evenly distributed among zip codes. Unfortunately, opportunity isn’t always. That’s why we’ve been hard at work at August Martin High School, in one of the most underserved communities in the city. In the past few years, we’ve helped increase the graduation rate by nearly 40 percent — from just 24 percent to more than 60 percent — and are ensuring promising students not only can see themselves at college, but also can overcome the practical hurdles (like the steep price tag) to getting there. Continue reading

Getting in the Spirit of College

Getting Ready for CollegeBanners, school songs, mascots: Kids at the Beacon Center at MS226 invented all of these to stage a mock “homecoming” recently.

According to site director Angelika Peacock, this is just a small step at getting college into the kids’ psyche.

“Kids in this neighborhood don’t picture themselves at college,” says program director Angelika Peacock. “Most don’t even know anyone who has gone to college. This is just a fun activity. But it’s part of a much bigger effort to get kids thinking seriously about their futures.” Continue reading

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