Tag Archives: Head Start Corona

Supporter Spotlight: Soles4Souls

“New shoes!” was the rallying cry

Girl tries on Converse shoes at Soles4Souls event at Head Start CoronaIt was an 80-degree summer day, but Tanya Krien was researching organizations that provide winter coats to children.

“Winter coats are always a huge need with our families,” Tanya, a vice president of early childhood education at The Child Center of NY, explains.

That’s when she came across Soles4Souls—a nonprofit organization that provides not winter coats, but footwear, which is another ever-present need for families with children in a Child Center early childhood education program, such as Head Start and Early Head Start. Continue reading

January Photo of the Month: Check-Up

Northwell Health pediatrician at Corona Head Start


Northwell Health pediatrician at Corona Head Start

Michael, a student at our Corona Head Start, visits with “La Doctora,” a.k.a, Rebecca Griesser, a pediatric resident from Northwell Health. As you can see, Michael is really enjoying the hearing test!

Learn about the special Child Center-Northwell collaboration and how on-site visits like this one circumvent obstacles that can prevent low-income families from receiving regular check-ups — and how tomorrow’s physicians are learning to better care for families like Michael’s in the process.

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