Tag Archives: jamaica family wellness center

Leonard’s Story

Leonard, a client of the substance abuse addiction program at the Jamaica Family Wellness center in Queens

Leonard, a client of the substance abuse addiction program at the Jamaica Family Wellness center in QueensIt may sound ironic, but The Child Center’s focus is larger than just children. Since children don’t grow in isolation, our goal is to help lift up whole communities, providing members of all ages with opportunities to reach their full potential. That’s why many of our programs serve not just youth, but adults, too. Our addiction treatment programs, like the ones at our Jamaica Family Wellness Center, help clients of any age develop the skills and confidence to find lasting recovery and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.


Leonard is a man in his 60s who had been using and selling drugs since 1967. He’d been in and out of jail on drug-related charges for most of his adult life. His drug use and drinking became all-encompassing, causing him to lose contact with his family, including two daughters that he lost to the foster care system. Continue reading

The Child Center of NY Announces New Tele-Health Pediatric Primary Care Services

Collaboration with Strong Children Wellness Allows for New Service

The Child Center of NY is proud to announce that we have joined forces with Strong Children Wellness, a specialized primary care practice network that provides integrated medical, social, and mental health services and virtual care within community-based organizations in New York City. Through this alliance, The Child Center will be able to offer pediatric primary health care to our clients and to all children, ages 0-21, in the communities we serve. Continue reading

Photo of the Month: Project Promise

Project Promise client at Jamaica Family Wellness Center, Child center of nYQuanasia (pictured here with her baby Amelia) is a client of our Project Promise program, designed for women who are pregnant or have young children and have struggled with substance use issues. Quanasia is now working full time, and Amelia is registered in nursery school. The proud mom is in recovery and creating a bright future for herself and her beautiful daughter.

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